ज़िन्दगी कैसी है? न दौड़ने देती है, न ठहरने देती है, और पैदल चलु तो कहती है, तुम बड़ा धीरे चलते हो।
Delhi Drama, Act 19
Delhi Drama Act 19. I enter the metro at Janpath and take a corner beside the door, a couple of aged women stand behind me, the ...
A weekend in Banaras, A stop motion video
I was quickly going through all pictures I shot in Banaras and it looked like a poorly made stop-motion video. So, I went ahead and conv...
Happy new year, Banaras,day 3, part 2
Day 3, Part 2 After finally sitting for a late lunch at a rooftop cafe, I received a text saying that my train would leave tomorro...
Happy new year, Banaras. Day 3, part 1
Day 3, Part 1. Last night, I did take a walk on the ghat and was beside the river when we entered the new year, I heard loud count...
Namaste Banaras, Day 2.
Day 2. Last night while going for dinner I got a call from the Hostel Manager, he had sent another girl to the same place he recomm...
Namaste Banaras.
Day 1. Last night before starting for the trip I had to clear out my schedule, do the dishes, the pending laundry, the pending r...
Train Conversations, Delhi to Banaras.
My train is running late by 10 hours now, people are either lazing around or are scrambling for charging their phones, some young men ar...
दिसंबर का दिन था, आंखे खुलने से मना करती थी, खुलकर करती भी क्या? सर्द कोहरे में इनका काम कम था। फिर भी इनसे लड़कर बाजार से बेहतरिन लाल गा...